Friday, September 7
building the photo collage

Friday 7th, in front of Pancho's piece..."que honor"
....the gentle "Mr. Lynch" and my dear friend "Thomas"
El Fuego, September 11

Thank you all .....Indira

Foto collage en progreso de Indira Urrutia, vale mencionar que este pieza esta siendo creada en el momento del evento, para ser quemada el 11 de septiembre.

Live installation @ The Young Museum "Illusion"

This collage was build within four hour, after the event. This piece was burn,

"it was just an illusion"

My laters work.

This pieces are part of a series done for the short film

"SOLEDAD IS GONE FOREVER" was invited to
participate in the Short Film Corner Cannes
International Film Market in May 2007.

Part of the exhibit " Mi ciudad Adoptiva"